Food Thoughts:Brain Masala Receipe

So today I am sharing my spouse  favorite dish that is Brain Masala. Usually we tastes this dish at some popular resturants but just seeing his growing tummy I decides to put him on home made dishes.
To be very honest if you have this dish outside you may be charged Rs800-1000 but at home it can end up with almost Rs 350.

TIME: 30-35 mints


Its high calorie food ,strictly avoided if you have high B.P or heart issues.Once in a six months is quite ok.


Boil brain meat in water for 5 to 10 mints.and then drain off water and remove red vessels  and clean it.


1                       Onion
2                       Tomato medium sized
2spoon              Ginger Garlic Paste
2teaspoon          red chilly powder
1/2 teaspoon      haldi
1 1/2 teaspoon   salt
oil for frying 
coriander and green chilies for  garnishing


 Put oil in karahi recommended to use less oil because its already high in calories.
use square shaped chopped onion and golden brown it in oil.
when onion is done put brain meat in karahi stir it continuously. Its just like omelette
stir it to have broken pieces just like hand done qeema. Now add small pieces of Tomato and spices .Cover the lid for five minutes on slow flame.And then garnish with coriander and green chilies. 


I will not take the responsibility if after the hard work in kitchen.You have to listen that it was delicious but meri maa jaisa zaiqa nahe.( FIT TE  MO MOMENTS)


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